TLT® – A Professional Producer of Unique Fabrics!

TLT is a “new” company, and also one that you have known for a long time. The production facilities and management of TLT have been in Heshan City, Guangdong for over 20 years, formed initially through a partnership with one of the first Hong Kong textile and apparel manufacturing companies to move into China. 
As China has changed rapidly, so has TLT. We’ve constantly upgraded, made capital investments and pursued new development. We participated in various textile and product manufacturing partnerships. For the past 7 years, we represented a well-known US fabric brand. Together we introduced over 120 new fabrics, for Asian footwear manufacturers and for export around the world.
We are now launching our own independent fabric brand and hope that you will join in our excitement. We have the same great TLT team in place with development and sales representatives in the US. You will find us flexible and responsive to your needs. We are focused on innovation, new technology features and custom development. We are a professional producer of unique fabrics. Let us help make you a success!


Tai Lee Textiles Co.Ltd.( P.R.China )

Add: No.11, Harbor Rd, Heshan Port, Heshan City,Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086 750 8829181
Fax: 0086 750 8829180
Em: Web:









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COPYRIGHT(C) 2012 Tai Lee Textiles Co., Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERBED.